Sunday, May 27, 2012

6-4-Sunday 5/27/12

I remembered early enough this time to get signed up for SixSunday.  Again, I offer you another six sentences from my latest WIP --


Julie Bronson carefully examined the letter one more time, verified the address then carefully pulled her silver blue and white 1957 Chevy onto the barely visible gravel driveway.  She glanced over at the small trailer and wrinkled her nose.  From the highway it had appeared narrow; now beside it, there was no doubt, the trailer was extremely small.

Remember, Julie, you wanted this job -- if this is the worst they can throw at you, you'll make it, she thought then let out a loud sigh. She considered her journey here today starting with Willoughby Baptist Church and a tearful family farewell followed by the lonely five hour drive through the state to this small community. Centertown was basically an overly inhabited cross-roads of two highways with a dozen businesses and perhaps a hundred homes.   


I hope you enjoyed it. To see more offerings by other authors, check out Six Sunday -- just remember, some of the listed links might be very adult oriented.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

6-4-Sunday 5/20/12

I really need to get my act (aka mind) together and remember to sign up each week for SixSunday.  So, here is my offering this week.  A new story in progress...


The year was 1961 and the Board of Education for Benjamin Hart High School met to finalize things for the new school year. The late July heat hung in the air for the want of a breeze. Tempers flared to match the outside temperatures.

"I don't give a damn, I see no reason to have a n****r working with our kids."

John Teegarden banged the gavel down repeatedly to get the group to silence. "Elizabeth Tremussen has the floor, gentlemen."

I hope you enjoyed it. To see other offerings, check out Six Sunday -- just remember, some of the listed links might be very adult oriented.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

6-4-Sunday 5/13/12

Time for another 6 sentences -- again, from my novella which can be read at Wattpad in its entirety


"It would appear they are fumbling with the boggle on the do-whacker."  She looked up at me and waited.

"Boggle? Do-whacker?" I pointed at the picture.  "Are those scientific terms for this?"


To see more six sentence selections, go to Six Sentence Sunday

Until next Sunday, have a great week...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

6-4-Sunday 5/6/12

New Sunday already. Wow!  How Time flies.  I hope you are enjoying these six sentence segments.  This one is just a little insight into our hero Barry Hargrove.  You can read my novella from which this came at Wattpad.


By the time he'd told me where we were headed he was shoving the frosted double glass doors open. I wandered into the room and quickly realized it to be a maze of absolute horror for any person with aichmophobia, let alone trypanophobia, which I had.  There were too many pointed objects and needles everywhere; but it was the medical procedures involving what I could only guess to be volunteer patients that scared me the most. I gazed at arms stretched out with IVs and other apparatus; tubing ran in every direction: some red, some clear. My body stiffened, a chilling curl crawled down my spine and then the sweats began in drastic contrast to the shivers. 

"Are you okay," Dr. Landelli asked and grabbed my arm in a useless gesture as my body fell away.


If you'd like to read some other six sentence selections, go to Six Sunday

Until next Sunday; have a great week...